Volunteer coordinator April Hart
Email: april.hart@d51schools.org
Phone: 970.254.5114
Location: 2115 Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501 *Volunteer Modular
All volunteers must annually complete a volunteer agreement form and be processed through our volunteer office which includes being checked against national registries. Volunteers who work one-on-one with students or attend overnight field trips are required to complete a fingerprint-based background check, which checks both FBI (Federal) and CBI (State) arrest records. Volunteer backgrounds are good for 5 years.
1. ALL volunteers are required to complete a volunteer agreement form each school year. Each volunteer needs to complete his or her own separate form. Please do not have two volunteers on one form.
2. If a volunteer is coaching, they will need to fill out the volunteer agreement form as well as the volunteer coaching form.
3. Volunteer agreement form layers are as follows:
o White copy – Send to April Hart, Admin. Building on Grand Avenue - Volunteers
o Yellow copy – The School keeps this copy on file
o Pink copy – Volunteer keeps the pink copy
Please DO NOT send the yellow and pink copies to April. In addition, please do not send a copy of the volunteer driver’s license.
4. If a volunteer requires a background check, they will need to email or call to schedule an appointment with April.
*DO NOT USE THE ONLINE FORM – This will not be accepted*
A background check is required any time a volunteer will be working one on one with students and a staff member is not present.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Classroom volunteer working one on one with students
- Overnight field trips
- Driving students (example on a field trip)
- Marching band trips
- Volunteer coaching
- Some extracurricular activities
- Reading aide (when a volunteer works with a student in the hallway)
- RSVP Volunteers
- Watch D.O.G.S.
- Lunch Lizard
- Online tutoring
Current D51 employees and students are not required to complete a background check.
Effective June 18, 2019
All volunteers who require a background check will now be required to make two appointments and be fingerprinted digitally.
Please share the following steps with your staff and volunteers.
- Step One – The volunteer will need to call or email April Hart in the Volunteer Office to set up an appointment to complete the background paperwork and receive necessary information to schedule their fingerprint appointment. This appointment will take approx. 15-20 minutes.
Volunteer coordinator April Hart
Email: april.hart@d51schools.org
Phone: 970.254.5114
Location: 2115 Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501
- Step Two – During the appointment with April, the volunteer will register and schedule their fingerprinting appointment through Colorado Fingerprinting. April will walk them through this step.
PLEASE NOTE – There are a limited number of appointments available per week. The School District is not able to add or request additional times. Those volunteers attending a field trip that requires a background check will need to allow at least 3-4 weeks (if possible, please allow longer) for the background process. Those that do not complete their background check on time will not be eligible to attend the trip. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Step Three – Once the volunteer’s background has cleared, April will notify the Volunteer Coordinator at the assigned school. The Volunteer Coordinator is then expected to notify the volunteer and/or staff member working with the volunteer.
REMINDERS: All volunteer backgrounds are good for 5 years. After 5 years, the volunteer is required to complete a new background check.
- Please remind your staff and volunteers of the background process throughout the school year.
- All volunteers who require a background check need to go through April Hart first to complete paperwork and receive the payment authorization code.
- Please allow at least 3-4 weeks for the background process.
- If your school has a field trip scheduled, please let April know in advance. If there is a large number of volunteers, we need enough notice to block out appointment times.
April’s Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- In Classroom Help – Volunteers are assigned to a classroom or classrooms to provide any additional support that the teachers need from reading to helping with class activities.
- Reading Aide – Volunteers through the instruction from the teacher read in the hallway with students who need additional support with reading.
- Assist in the Library or Front Office – Volunteers can help in the library or front office with anything that the staff needs.
- Volunteer Coaching – Volunteers can sign up to volunteer coach with the middle or high school sports teams. All volunteer coaches are required to complete the volunteer coaching form and provide three references as well as complete the background check.
- Chaperones – Volunteers assist with chaperoning students on day or overnight field trips based on background approval.
- Extra-Curricular Activities – Field Days, field trips, marching band, sporting events, and any other school activities.
- Crossing Guard – Volunteer assists staff in the parking lot before and after school.
- Watch D.O.G.S - Traditionally Watch D.O.G.S. are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school. The district will be opening this up to all volunteers who would like to be extra eyes and ears at the schools. All volunteers are required to complete and pass the district background process through the volunteer/security offices. Art Heritage Program – The Art Heritage Program provides a unique experience students remember and retain. Classroom teachers appreciate the unusual and creative experiences provided by dedicated program volunteers. Our volunteers are strong advocates for art education. They are actively involved in fundraising and grant writing to develop support for elementary art education. Parents, who volunteer, become eager participants in the school's activities.
- RSVP – Volunteers working with the RSVP volunteer program can sign up to volunteer with the school district through this program. These volunteers help in the classroom, as reading aides, office support and with field trips.
- Spellbinders – Spellbinders is a group of volunteers who are trained in the art of storytelling. These volunteers go to the classrooms and share stories from memory with the students. This program is a great opportunity not only for volunteering, but also for meeting other members of the community and creating new friendships. Spellbinder’s storytelling increases listening comprehension, vocabulary, develops a sense of story structure, and creates a love of story, which translates into an interest in reading for students.
- Lunch Lizard Program – The lunch lizard runs through the summer months while students are out of school. This program provides lunches to students as well as activities at the park through the support of staff and volunteers.