School Information
Welcome from the Principal
This information is a supplement to the Mesa County Valley School District #51 handbook. Please take time to read the handbook as well as this supplement. Both are designed to familiarize you with the goals of our school and some of the procedures and policies that we use to implement the goals.
If you have any questions regarding the school program in general or your child's experience here specifically, please contact the staff at Shelledy Elementary School at 970-254-6460.
Schedule and Attendance
Doors Open 8:35 a.m.
First Bell 8:50 a.m.
Tardy Bell 8:55 a.m.
End of Day:
Monday - Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Friday, Early Release 2:00 p.m.
When students arrive at school, they will go directly to their classrooms to ensure safety.
Parents are encouraged to visit their children's classroom or any of the district's other instructional facilities. Visitors MUST check-in at the office before visiting a classroom and get a visitor badge.
A child can never make up a day missed at school, even though some assignments may be made up at a later date. The interaction and instruction that takes place in the classroom are equally as valuable as written assignments. Students should only be absent from school in the case of an illness, unusual family difficulties, or emergency. Other absences should be avoided if at all possible. If your child is absent for more than one day, please make arrangements to have his/her homework picked up.
When your child is absent, the parent is requested to enter the absence through Parentvue or call the school office between 8:00 and 9:00 AM to inform the school as to the nature of the absence. If the child is absent and no call has been made, the school will call to check on the child.
As a general policy, children are dismissed from school during school hours only in case of an emergency. In such situations, a note, call or email should be sent to the school office and/or child's teacher on that day and the parent must come to the office to sign the child out of school.
Please try and schedule appointments before or after school.
Shelledy has a full-time health assistant. Our school health assistant is on duty from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will be cared for and the parent will be notified if necessary. Simple first-aid will be administered, but no medication will be given unless the medication and written permission is on file with the office. The responsibility for further care rests with the parents or family physician.
If your child contracts strep throat, chickenpox, or any other contagious disease, please inform the school health assistant or office staff at once.
In order for prescription medications to be administered by the school health assistant or trained staff, the school is required by the state to have the form "Request for Medication" completed, signed by the physician, a parent, and be on file in the school. Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by the pharmacist. Please check with your physician regarding the necessity for giving medication during school hours.
Over the counter (non-prescription) medication supplied by the parent in the original container may be given with only a parent's signature on the permission form. Forms are available in the school office and at most physicians offices. New forms must be completed each school year.
If it is necessary to send liquid medication to school, please send a dosage spoon with the medication. We request parents bring the medication to school. Medications which have not been used or picked up by the expiration date will be discarded at school.
Student Immunizations
Hey parents, there are new immunization requirements for kids entering most grades. Students who are new to School District 51 will not be allowed to register without proof of immunizations or a signed document addressing the family' s plan to immunize. This document can include an exemption form if your student does not receive vaccinations. Exemption forms can be obtained from the health assistant or Registered Nurse at your child' s school.
Please call your health care provider or the Mesa County Health Department at 970-248-6900 to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Extended Hours Program
If you need child supervision before or after school, you can contact the Extended Hours Program at
970-241-3603 or go online to the Extended Hours Program website for more information on price and times.
Student Behavior
Our students are constantly setting goals to earn their BEST bag tags. After they have earned their tag they continue to set goals to earn stickers to put on their bag tags. Students names are announced every Friday morning to celebrate that week's goal achievers.
Shelledy School-wide Discipline
At Shelledy Elementary, a disciplined environment is essential to academic success. Because of this, the staff has developed a discipline plan to help our students succeed. The Shelledy Behavior Expectations are:
1. Be kind
2. Engaged
3. Safe
4. Thoughtful
The teachers at Shelledy will have a discipline system in place in their classrooms. The classroom discipline system will be communicated to each parent and student at the beginning of the school year. The system will include a version of the following:
- Awarning or warnings
- Refocus/reflection/redirection and a Minor Disruption Slip- to be brought home by the student and signed by the parent and returned to school the next day
- Call or email to parent - the teacher will determine when this takes place
- Classroom discipline note
- Instead of sending home a slip each time a child receives a minor behavior report, parents are receiving a phone call on the second occurrence. If a child has 3 minor behavior problems in a row, the student automatically receives a major behavior slip. Parents will only be required to sign major behavior slips and return them to school.
Student Behavior Report (white slip) - when a student receives three Student Behavior Reports (white slips), for any offenses, the parent will be required to come to school and meet with the principal/assistant principal and teacher before the student will be allowed to re-enter the classroom.
Some students disrupt other students' learning and/or the school environment. Student learning and safety is our focus. If students are habitually disruptive and do not change their behavior through the classroom discipline system, we will move to further disciplinary actions including in-school suspension, out of school suspension, and/or expulsion.
Children may ride scooters, skateboards & bicycles to school. Scooters, skateboards & bicycles must be walked on the school grounds. Bicycles should be locked to the bicycle rack. Roller blades and Heelys may be worn to school, but are not allowed on school grounds. Students must change into their shoes at the edge of school property. Please remember that the school cannot be responsible for any personal property brought to school.
Bus transportation is provided to children in the Shelledy attendance area who live more than one mile from school. Where students are ineligible for school district transportation, the parent may contract privately with the bus company, Student Transportation of America 970-697-1050, if it will not cause deviation from the existing routes. Information on specific bus number, bus stop and stop time for individual students is also available at the school office or on the Mesa County School District 51 website.
It is our hope that you stress to your child the importance of proper conduct at the bus stop and on the bus. We want to be sure that every Shelledy student has a safe and happy ride to and from school.
Student Dismissal and Pick-Up Procedure
The number one priority for our staff is the safety of our students. We know that parents share that priority. We have re-designed our after school pick-up procedure so that it is as safe as possible. We have also considered convenience for parents. We believe our plan is both convenient and safe. Your cooperation and patience is critical to making this plan successful.
Below are the details of the plan. Please read these procedures so that you are familiar with them.
Car Riders
- All cars will enter the lot via the West Entrance from Cherry.
- If you have a kindergartener, please use the Kindergarten Pick-up Lane (see map). There is one parking spot reserved for the pick-up of kindergartners and their siblings. Cars in this lane will move forward until they can pull into the designated parking spot. Students will be loaded from this spot only.
- If all of your students are in 1st grade or above, use the 1st-5th Grade Pick-up Lane. Cars in this lane will move forward until they can pull into one of the 5 parking spots not designated for kindergarten pick-up. Parents will pull into the first available spot and not wait until they can pull into a spot near where their student is lined up.
- Students will be directed to watch for their parent' s car and to quickly load so the parking spot can be freed for the next car.
- If you need to help your child buckle up, please pull in to the "Buckle Assist" area so that we can free up parking spots quickly.
- All cars will exit the lot via the North exit onto Ottley.
Walkers - Parents will meet their student(s) at the crosswalk, not at the classroom door or on the playground.
Bus riders
If parents wish to park and meet their child, please instruct your child to follow the "walkers" procedure above. Parents will then meet their child at one of the cross walks to pick them up. Parents will need to tell their child which cross walk they will meet them at so their student goes to the proper meeting area.
School Communication
In an effort to assist you and your child with important information and school news we have established "Thursday Folders". Each Thursday your child will bring home a packet of letters, classroom information, etc. Please take time to sit and discuss this information with your child. In addition, a monthly newsletter will be sent out digitally regarding important school news and upcoming events in the next month.
The Shelledy staff is committed to communication between students, teachers, and parents. Pupil progress is reported through formal parent-teacher conferences twice a year and progress report cards are sent home during the year. Please reference the district school calendar for current conference dates. Additional conferences may be initiated as needed by the parents or teachers throughout the year.
We will deliver emergency/urgent messages to your child. If at all possible, arrangements for any changes in your child's routine should be made before they come to school in the morning. Students will not be allowed to use the telephone for permission to go home with a friend.
Other Topics
We serve breakfast and lunch. All breakfasts and lunches are free for all students beginning in the 2023-24 school year, thanks to a vote-approved bill passed in November 2022. It is crucial for families to continue completing a meal benefit application in order for your child's school and our district to receive full access to federal funding. The application can be completed online here, or you may pick up a paper application at your child's school or the Nutrition Services Office located at 2280 East Main Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501.
Children bringing a lunch from home may purchase white or chocolate milk.
If a student has any food allergies or is allergic to milk we will need a note from their physician stating the problem. Juice substitutions will not be made without such a note.
For more information on menus and more click on the following link to Nutrition Services.
To avoid the loss of sack lunches and lunch boxes, please put your child's name on them.
School is your child's "workplace" and consequently we ask that they dress appropriately. Children should dress according to the weather. If it is cold, please send your child to school with warm clothing.
Any clothing which is deemed inappropriate will not be allowed to be worn at school. Please help your child make choices that will be conducive to a positive learning environment. We ask that students not wear tank tops, half shirts, crop tops, short shorts, bike shorts, or slogans promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, or violence, or sagging pants.
Please make sure all coats, hats, and gloves are labeled with your child's name. Let's keep our focus on student learning.
Inclement weather or other factors may result in closing schools, delayed opening, or early dismissal. School closing will be announced on the Mesa County School District 51 website. Close contact is maintained with the district transportation office, bus company, highway department, weather bureau, and news media. Closing decisions are made as early as possible. On a questionable day, please check the school district website rather than calling the district. Please complete the emergency/enrollment form very carefully. Complete, accurate information, including home and work phone numbers, is very important! If there is a change of address or phone number, inform the school promptly.
Children are allowed to bring their own playground equipment, with the exception of hard bats and balls, to play with on the playground. No electronic devices including phones, Ipads, handheld video games, etc. will be allowed at school. All items brought from home must be clearly marked with the child's name. The school cannot be responsible for items lost or stolen. Safety is of prime concern and we reserve the right to exclude any items we deem unsafe or inappropriate.